Signy Base - Andrew Bailey - 1960's
Antarcticans Database Project
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assorted dates
personnel pictures

Fitting the Plastic Hut

Peter Tilbrook having a "short back and sides" courtesy Walter Townsend

Pete Hobbs relaxing with a good read

Motor Sled - Early Version

Skidoo Camping on Coronation

New base hut being constructed

Walt Dawson with one of the new generators

Chippy Shop - 1963

Signy by night


Untitled 2

Inigo Everson with catch


Royce Longton taking measurements in a moss bank

Inigo Everson examining fish scales

Barry Heywood lowering a sampling net

Barry Heywood lowering a water sampling device

Barry Heywood chiseling a hole through freshwater lake ice

Barry Heywood lowering a measuring probe

Bailey, A.D. taking sample cores from a moss bank

Bailey, A.D. making up Petri dishes

New base hut being Constructed

Measuring the pH of Samples

Pete Redfern and Charlie le Feuvre preparing for a dive

Diver descending through a hole in the sea-ice

Trawl net being lowered through sea-ice

Tony Walker taking Pete Redfern and Charlie le Feuvre out to a dive site

Tony Walker cutting a hole in the sea-ice

Looks like a spectrometer to me?

Mollusc Measurements

Peter Tilbrook with extractor apparatus

Barry Goodman in the lab

Laying the foundation of the new hut

Met Lab

Barry Goodman at the met screen

Barry Goodman with met balloon

Barry Goodman in darkroom

Strange scientific ritual

Barry Heywood, Pete Hobbs and Pete Redfern relaxing around the stove in Tonsberg House - 1963

Radio room interior - 1963

Paul Pilkington at the radio equipment - 1963

Radio room interior - 1963

John Noble laying the table, on gash

1963 - Fishy goings on

Pete Tilbrook and John Chambers outside Tonsberg House - 1963

Midwinter 1963, left: John Chambers, Peter Hobbs, Bailey, A.D., right: Fred Topliffe, Peter Tilbrook

Paul Pilkington, Pete Redfern, Tony Walker and Walt Dawson playing Ukkers - 1963

Bailey, A.D. dealing with the post

Bailey, A.D. cutting snow blocks for fresh water

Peter Tilbrook and Alf Amphlett with husky pups

Peter Tilbrook and Walter Townsend playing shove halfpenny
All pictures on this page copyright of Andrew Bailey