OAE's - McMurdo Base - 1980's
77°50.88'S 166°40.10'E
occupied since 1955 - This page - 1980's

McMurdo Base on November 30th 2008 - click here to see a larger image you can zoom around. - Image Ross Swick.
McMurdo pictures from OAE's
1961 - Larry Johnson
Robin Ardalan (1987-1988) - Grants Pass Looking for past co workers and friends.. A yearbook from this time and maybe memorabilia too. I lost my home to a fire and this was an amazing time in my life I would like to replace some memories.
Kara Barnes (1988, 1989, 1990 - 91) - Sacramento, CA email I worked in the personnel office for NSFA. I was a PN3 and spent 3 summers in Antarctica.
Bruce L. Beardsley, Radioman, "BB" (1980-85) - Loveland, Colorado Worked the Message Center, Savin Copier and Teletypewriter Repair, Mars shack Manager/Operator for three seasons, Winfly 82, 83, 84. Assisted in Homeport 85 prior to transferring in Dec. Met a lot of good people, Military and Civilian alike. Wouldn't have missed it for the world. Would love to go back again.
Steve Benbrook (1981) - Mesquite, Texas USA Seabee UT2 Operation Deep Freeze Winter Over 1981.
Dennis Bode (McMurdo Transmitter Site - Winter-Over 1980-81) - Orlando, FL
Tim Bond (McMurdo - 1982, 1983) - Aledo email Winter Over OIC 1983.
Peter Breen (Scott Base, McMurdo - 1981-1982) - Rotorua Was Scott Base staff spent a lot of time in Mac town working and socialising especially at Jessie Raines bar.
Bernie Brown (82-84) - Arlington VA Radioman, Worked the Message Center, Mars shack Operator Wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Kimberly Brown (1986 -1987) - Denver, Colorado Winter Over Crew 1986-1987. I worked as a Draftsperson, Construction Coordinator, Electricians Helper, and SAR Team member. Hello to all that the adventurous souls who wintered over! I still remember the winter-over softball games, trips to Black Island, and weekend trips to the Ski Chalet.
Craig Bush (EO2) (1983-1984 (w/o)) - Crestwood KY OAEA is scheduling a bi-annual reunion in Houston TX in Nov 2010. Any winter-overs from 83/84 drop me a line. Hope to see you there!
Kevin Call (1979-1982) - San Diego I would enjoy contacting other OAEs that I served with there from 79 to 82.
Rick Canfield (McMurdo - 1981-83) - Shoreham Vt USA, Lineman for new power plant miss the crazy discussions Wednesday nights at Scott Base
Bruce Cansler (1981-82) - CM2 with 1982 27th Winter Over crew. Worked in transportation
Rochelle Rogge Chestney (McMurdo - 1983-1985) - Georgia,
Joe Cmor (ET1(SW)) - (1984) - Darien, New York, USA Wintered-Over 1984. Retired from U.S. Navy 1994. Lives and works near Buffalo, N.Y.
Charles Chad Condrotte (McMurdo, Christchurch, Port Hueneme CA - 1979 through 1983) - Flagstaff AZ I was the Navy Dental Technician at McMurdo on four summer support deployments from 1979 through 1983. I also returned to the U.S. aboard the Coast Guard Ice Breakers Glacier and Polar Sea.
William Crawford (Pt. MuGu, McMurdo - 1977-1980) - Casa Grande AZ USA
Larry Crayne (1984) - Clovis Ca AG1 meteorologist in charge winter over 1984
Gene Crain (1980-1981) - Nilwood Illinois - Retired
Kim W Davis PO First Class (1976-1981) - Stuart, FL - Served as Field Party Shop Supervisor (HF Radio), AFAN Radio and Television Engineer, SAR Radio Technician, NNN0USV Radio Operator, Traveled the continent establishing HF Radio at Research locations, including S Pole, Palmer Station, Dome Charlie, Dry Valleys, Siple Station, RISP, and many others locations.
L. Dennis (87/88) - KY Best time spent in the Navy
Tom Denny (McMurdo - '81, '82) - Newark De Wintered over in the fire station with US Navy
Chris Derby (McMurdo/VXE-6 - 1989-1992) - Jacksonville, Florida Further comments: Still miss it to this day...The best flyin' I ever did...
Diane Dugger (1987 and 1988) - New Vernon, NJ, USA Would like to find my friends Ann Davis, Anna (sorry can't remember her last name) and Lisa Fedderoff. I hope they find this and will contact me!
Mikell D. Dyer, "Mike / Chap" (1993/94) - Pomaria, SC, USA I was the only US Navy Data Processing Tech. (First Class) supporting all the PC and Mainframe computers with he help of a junior Petty Officer. I got the nickname of "CHAPS" because I was the Lay Minister that preached each Sunday and held a bible study. What a GREAT time !!!! However, I missed the birth of my only child on 12/10/1993. But, everything worked out for the best. I would go back again if asked :)
Randy Edgerly (1988) - Ballston Spa, New York Looking for SW2 Paul Dunstan
Dodd Egan (McMurdo Transmitter Site, 1988 to 1989, wintered over) - Sussex
Larry Estes "Sweet Pea" (McMurdo 1980-81) - North Richland Hills, Texas Wintered over during the 80-81 season. One of the best thing God allowed me to do and see. Took a ton of slides, wish I could get them all digitized.
Robert Felix (1986-1987 winter over) - Al Udeid, Qatar
Clark Ferguson (Winter Over 1981 McMurdo WD Plant) - BT2 W/O 1981 at the Water Distillation Plant (WD Plant) and worked with the outside plumbing crew.
Eric Foresman (NSFA McMurdo, WO -87 88) - Iowa USA I was the winter over fire chief with a great crew, Kenny, OBO, Tom, Scott, Eschete. A great adventure for my last year on active duty.
Mark Froehle (1986, 1987) - Nisswa
Rita Garland (1988-1989) - Christchurch New Zealand Worked as barber at McMurdo and Williams Field .
Peter Gasparik (83-86) - Staten Island Spent 4 awesome summer's as a Radioman, worked our butts off and partied just as hard, miss it all from hut 10, the Erebus club to det Christchurch.. Good times and memories.
John Gasperetti (1974-1974, 1982-1984) - Renton, Washington email I was stationed with the Seabees during the 1974-75 and 1982-1984 summer seasons. I ran the bake shop in the evening and would like to get in contact with all others that were there during that time frame. Great times, great people and of course great parties! My daughter actually went there a few years back working for Raytheon, had a great experience.
Jeff Gaudette (1987-1988) - Onaway MI USA BT1 assigned to Bldg 155 boiler shop. Turned over operations to ANS civilians October 88. Great duty!
Brian Graham or Guntha (Willy Field and McMurdo RNZAF - 1981) - Pukekohe New Zealand, Worked with the aircraft loading team in 72 flew with VXE6 as exchange load master in 81. Many other visits with the RNZAF.
Grampa (McMurdo 1984 Winter Over Team) - Sun City Center FL Lots of great memories in an unique place that only a handful of folks have had the pleasure to experience both summer and winter in remote location on earth.
Bill Graney (1979-1983) - Simi Valley, CA
Paul Green (Terminal Operations US Army 1985-86) - Temecula I volunteered for Operation Deep Freeze II from 1985 - 1986. I worked in Terminal Operations. I also worked as one of the TV Broadcasters as well as worked on the cruise book committee. I still have my old cruise book. It was one of my favorite memories. I'm also friends with one of my fellow army buddies who also volunteered. Looking for others that served during this time.
William Bill T Gunn Jr (NSF Antarctica Year/s 86-87) - Tennessee USA Coming up on 30 years since I wintered over, would do it again in a heartbeat! ET1, 200 Degree Club, first married couple to w/o, met SecNav, signed the OPS Hill log book, went skydiving in New Zealand, slept on the ice at Williams field, bartender, rock and roll radio broadcaster, and all around good guy. Pictures, stories, etc. for trade.
Robert Gustafson "Gus" (McMurdo station - 1982, 1983) - Michigan -
Bill Hames ATC, USN (McMurdo, Willy Field, South Pole, Su Support 1976-79, WO 1986-87) - Oklahoma City Best duty of my Navy time. Great experience and some awesome people. Happy to be an OAE!!
Tim Henley (McMurdo Station winter over 84 / 85) - Norfolk Va - Send me back!!!
Andy Holesha (1986, 2005) - Biloxi, Mississippi, USA.
Ed Holton (1987 - 1991) - Douglas, AZ, USA. NSFA Medical. email I was Leading Petty Officer of NSFA Medical from 1987 through 1991 and made 4 deployments. My last time was spent as the Senior Medical Dept. rep in Christchurch. I would like to hear from any shipmates that were there at that time, as well as any current personnel of McMurdo medical. I was the last Navy X-Ray Tech permanently assigned to NSFA Summer Support.
Drew Howat (McMurdo Station, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, WO 1992) - Hokitika New Zealand email I want to find WO Norm Creel, USN. McMurdo medic WO 1992
Scott Hudson aka Napier Waggon (1987-1989) - Baghdad, Iraq 1987-1989 at McMurdo was a magical time with some of the best people I have ever known in my travels.
Doug Hunt (McMurdo, NSFA, Operation Deep Freeze - SS 85 to 87 WO88) - Ridgecrest CA email Best duty station during my 26 years on active duty.
RM Charlie Johnson (Winter Over 80-81) - Mt Clemens Michigan The best Radioman gang in the World... Thanks Don and Chief.
Mike Johnson (82/83 - WO) - Milwaukee, WI USN-Retired MR1(SW) 1983 W/O crew. Arrived 10/5/1982, departed 10/5/1983. Worked for the Seebee's Transportation Dept. as the assigned machinist. Would love to hear from anyone who was stationed at McMurdo during this time.
Kirk Jones UT SATRAC (McMurdo '85-' 86 WO) - Austin
William Bill Jones (Mac town, wintered 86, 87, 89) - Covington La
Peter van Kampen (PvK) (1990) - Switzerland Down on the ice with the Kiwi Huey team Nov-Dec 1990. Actually trying to find "Mouse" the photographer from VXE-6 and Pt Mugu...
RM1 RMC Cheryl Perez King (McMurdo - 1989, 1990 Winter Over Crew) - Maine email Retired in 1996 as E8, went on to serve in the Veterans Administration as a Social Worker. I have such fond memories of Antarctica! It was an adventure of a lifetime.
Joseph M Kopin (1988) -
Greg Laubert PR2 (1984 - 86) - Mays Landing NJ Came to the ice 84-95 season, the rest spent in Chch. I loved it all!
Thomas Learned (McMurdo - 86-99) - Houston TX Ironworker on 206, 207, Crary. Antenna Rigger, Construction Coordinator. It was all good.
Kenneth Leckie (McMurdo, Christchurch, 81 - 83) - Fort Smith, AR I was a Builder with summer support. I Loved it, would like to go back in a heartbeat.
Tami (Tudor) Legaspi (McMurdo 1989) - Hawaii email 2 tours with VXE-6. 1989-1992 and 1997-1999. With the squadron when it decommissioned.
Tim Leistico (South Pole '80 / McMurdo '82 / Williams Fld Year/s 80-85) - Oakland CA Nice to find this site.
Jesus Lozano (W/O 87/88) - San Antonio, TX USA 33rd W/O. Had a great time with everyone down there, would like to know if anyone has pictures of me flying my kite, at midway point , between McMurdo and Williams Field, during Fuel transfer?
R. McCurdy RMCS USN Ret. (McMurdo Sta Communications Crew - W/O 81) - Chambersburg, Pa. Loved the ice and great people.
Andrew McDiarmid (McMurdo 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990) - Houston, Texas Worked as the Morale Welfare and Recreation Petty Officer 1986-1991.
Todd McDonald (McMurdo Station - 1981, Winter 1982) - Orange Park Florida - Aerographer (Weather) for Summer, then was last minute Winter Over 1982. Put together a WO82 Yearbook. Wonder who still has one.
Dennis McMaster (Williams Field and McMurdo, 1987) - Tularosa, New Mexico - Winter over
David Melancon (McMurdo - 1987/1988) - San Francisco Email (encrypted before being added) david@davidmelancon.com Current location, town or city and country
Nick Merrick (McMurdo - 1983 to 1992 WO X 3) - Christchurch USARP Garage 83-84 W/O, Welding shop 85, Iron-worker 86-87, Power/Water Plant 88-92 two W/O A piece of my heart is still on the Ice.
Dale Miller (DJ) (Wo 81 McMurdo 81) - Medford Or USA. Great time loved every min. Of it. Do it again in a heart beat.
Michael T Morris (McMurdo, 1986-1989) - Richmond, Texas, Some of the best years of my life, enjoyed all the staff and had great W/O companions. I wintered over 86-87 and again in 89-90. Would I do it again? You betcha!!
Mike Mullen (NFSA McMurdo USCGC Glacier, 1980-84) - Grand Prairie, Texas Best tour of duty during 23 years of Naval Service. Many memories and long lasting friends due to this assignment. It was great being a Navy Photographer assigned to NFSA. It was almost like being on a 4 year vacation.
Thomas Nesfeder (Winter over in 87) - Schuylkill Haven Pa email Wintered over in 87 youngest Seabee that year at 18 years old trying to find any other people from that winter over
Tom O'Brien (McMurdo Station, 1989 - 1990) - Gulfport MS, email 34th Winter Over crew. Oct 1998 to Oct 1990. 1st year they cut the Seabees down to a handful. Just 2 CM's, 3 EO's, 1 EA, and 1 BU Chief. No CE's or UT's that I can remember that Wintered Over with us. Big almost fatal accident with Laura going through the ice in a dozer, but thank god she escaped and made it back to the surface. If you do not remember me I ran the ham shack during the Winter Over time.
Dave Olsen (1986,87,88,89) - Basom, NY email NavPolarOceanCom ice observer, also worked aboard M/V Greenwave
Mike Osterhouse (1983, 1997, 1998) - Elizabeth City, NC Worked in the weather office
Rodney "TJ" Petrin Jr (1981 - 1986) - Sunapee, NH - Served Summer Support from 1981-1986. One season Winter Fly in, one season as Homeport Representative and a half season as liaison in Christchurch, NZ.
Kurt Pitz (McMurdo, Willy Field, South Pole Stations - 1987-90) - New Providence PA - Summer Support for two years, home port rep my last year. Spent first season in Mactown as FM Radio Comm Tech, second season spent time at Willy and South Pole as Radar Technician, also was at Byrd Surface camp for repairs. Love to touch base with any other folks from my time.
Craig Postel (Chip) (McMurdo Station Fuels Division, 81 to 83) - Cedar Rapids - email
Russell Reeves (VXE6, 1989 thru 1993) - Waupaca Wisconsin, 89-90 at Williams field at "Daltons Dinner" then in McMurdo 90-91, Byrd Surface Camp 91-92 Christchurch 93 MS3-MS2 Great memories! Retired with NMCB-25 Oct 2015
Karen Roberts Francis (1981-82) - Georgetown TX I was a Hospital Corpsman at McMurdo Clinic from Sep 81-Feb 82. Retired from USNR as HMC and from my "civvie" job in Sep 2015. McMurdo was the best adventure ever and I'd go back in a heartbeat. Would love to chat with anyone from that time period.
Mark Ross (83-84) - Mt Orab Ohio Winter over 1983/84 RM2, currently retired RMC
Jeff Rozlog (88-89 and 91-92 winter) - Beach City Ohio
Jim Russell (Kiwi Jim) (1980-1981) - Burleigh Heads Worked on the radio station, and Operation Deep Sink.
Mark Shaffer (McMurdo, South Pole - 87, 88, 90, 91) - Cragsmoor NY Worked as insulator and pipefitter on 207, 208, Bio-Lab, Heavy Shop. Assisted "Psycho" Mark Albershadt at South Pole Jan-Feb 1991. Went to Survival school 2x. Should've w/o.
Dawn Shook (1987-1990) - Virginia - Ensign
Elizabeth Slizz Linsey (McMurdo 85 to 94 and Palmer w/o 92) - Aberdeen North Carolina Loved my time on the ice. Love to hear from ice friends.
Shona Smith nee Hastie (McMurdo - 89 to 94) - Brisbane, Australia I worked/lived in MacTown a number of Summer/Winfly seasons as well as a Winter-over.
T. J. Smith HT1 (SW) (Winter over fire chief McMurdo FD 1983, 1984) - DeSoto Illinois email Loved it. Probably the best duty I served in my 20 plus years in the navy
Thomas L. R. Smith (McMurdo Station & Port Hueme - 1987-1989) - Olympia, WA US Army Captain assigned to NSFA Terminal Operations. Made two deployments to the Ice. Retired from the Army 1998 as a Major.
Dale Stansbury (McMurdo - 19881989) - Bremerton Wa Looking for members of the W.I.P.P crew that summer. Barry, Pablo, Leroy, Danny, etc. Also would like a picture of the plaque inside the chapel with the "God Squad " on it if it still exists.
Gary B. Stanton (Fort Eustis Virginia I was a stupid door McMurdo - 1981) - Chuckey, I like to have a certificate showing I was in the south pole in 1980 or 81/82 I forget which it is for the summer season at McMurdo man burn up in a fire and I'd like to have it but if I could get one of those picture diagrams of four they give you when you get yourself certificate please contact me on my email address
Gene Starks (w/o 1987,1988,1990 and 1991) - Sacramento Ca. Miss the Ice a lot tried to return several times but due to heart disease that's not possible, remember building the dorms 207and206, dismantling several T-5s, jamesways, working on installing the rolling overhead doors in the heavyshop, may other construction projects, trips to Black Island, and the dry valleys. John Cummings, C.J. Ringlieb, Nate Sheldon and myself were the first to work back to back winters, now I see its common. First winter was the hardest but also the most memorable. Oh yeah hello to Al Martin, and Kim Brown.
Brent S Stewart (McMurdo, Palmer Station, USCG Glacier, USCG Polar Star, USCG Polar Sea, RV Nathaniel B Palmer, RVIB Oden, Marion Island Research Base, 1985 - 2016) - San Diego California USA
Barry Swierczewski (McMurdo, Williams Field, Byrd, Siple, South Pole, winter over 1981) - ET2--opened Byrd, worked at South Pole, closed Siple, winter in McMurdo/Williams Field
David Taber (1985-1986) - Hesperia, California Looking for old mates
Jim Terrace (1983) - Madison Ohio - w/o 83 worked in the boiler room wise choice it was cold that year like to hear from some of the group best times ever.
Liana (Lee Ann) Turner - Willy Field II, Willy III, McMurdo, Black Island (1984) - Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
John V ('87 - '91) - Seattle Radioman Summer team '87 - '91Peter Vossenberg (McMurdo and Amundsen Scott South Pole Station - 1982) - Orlando Florida - Winter over at McMurdo and in 1986 Winter over at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. I was the cook baker during both winter overs.
Dick Weaver (McMurdo - 81, 82 wo 84, 85 wo) - Black Mountain - email Civilian with ANS I was one of the linemen working out of the "new" power plant.
Mark Webster (Operation Deep Freeze - McMurdo 79 to 80, Winter Over 80) - Lees Summit MO Looking to locate over Winter Overs from my group from McMurdo. Trying to get together Reunion.
Ralph Wilson (1982-1983) - Seattle WA I was a Navy Corpsman at McMurdo for the 82-83 Summer Support and I also worked at Williams Field. Please email if you would like to chat.
Randy Wilson (McMurdo - 77, 81) - Hines -
Wayne Woollard (Sarge) (1988-90, McMurdo, Port Huneme) - Shaw AFB Sumter SC
Russell Zane (1982 to 1986) - Peoria Arizona email
Steve Zsembik (Antarcticdevron 6 - 1979-1981) - Camarillo CA -
Trying to find
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I'm sure I did this already... every
now and then I send out emails, a proportion of these bounce
back as "not found", often because it was a former
work email or an ISP that no longer exists, as there is no longer
any way to make contact I delete the record to keep things as
current as I can..