McMurdo Base - Antarcticans Database Project
Alan Light - 2007-2009 -
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Observation Hill

Observation Hill

Observation Hill and McMurdo Station - view from Arrival Heights.

Observation Hill has Colors!

Observation Hill, as seen from Arrival Heights.

Observation Hill, from the summit

Observation Hill, from the summit

Observation Hill, from the summit

Observation Hill, from the summit

Observation Hill, Ross Island

Observation Hill: down the trail

On the road to LDB (Long Duration Balloon project) on the Ross Ice Shelf

Optical Effect - Mt Discovery

Optical Effect - Mt Discovery

Partial Blackout in McMurdo


Pegasus and the Royal Society Range

Pegasus White Ice Runway

Photo taken from behind Carpentry Shop.

Photo taken from behind Carpentry Shop.

Pisten Bully

Pisten Bully

Pisten Bully

Pisten Bully

Pisten Bully

Pressure Ridges

Raised Footprints

Raised Footprints and Wind Erosion

Raised Footprints in the Snow

Raised Footprints in the Snow

Raised Footprints in the Snow

Raised Footprints Near Building 201

Rear Entrance of 155 - Condition 1 Storm

Recycling at McMurdo

Reflected Light on Building 206

Ribbon of Nacreous Clouds over the Aerospace Ground Equipment and Communications Building

Ribbon of Nacreous Clouds over the Aerospace Ground Equipment and Communications Building

Road to the Ross Ice Shelf

Road to the Ross Ice Shelf
All pictures on this page copyright of Alan Light - these pictures are in the public domain