Signy Island - Summer 2017-18
Jean-Baptiste Thiebot - Antarcticans
Database Project -
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Chinstrap penguin and hanging rock

RRS Ernest Shackleton close inshore

RRS Ernest Shackleton in Normanna Strait

JB Thiebot - thank you for your pictures sir!

The old boatshed, wrecked jetty and old whale processing equipment

Heading up the stone chute

Base from half way up the stone chute

A stick with a flag in Moraine Valley

Moraine Valley and Orwell Glacier

Heading to Gourlay down the snow slope

The Gourlay huts

The Gourlay huts

The Gourlay huts

The way back home from Gourlay

The way back home from Gourlay

The way back home from Gourlay

The way back home from Gourlay

Looking across to Mirounga

Going down the stone chute, homeward bound

Going down the stone chute, homeward bound

Christmas 2017

Christmas dinner 2018
All pictures on this page © Jean-Baptiste Thiebot