Joe Cornely, Chief Radioman USN at the radios
Philip K Swartz - 1960-61 - South Pole Station - Antarcticans Database Project more

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Joe Cornely, Chief Radioman USN at the radios

One of two Navy radiomen, maintaining communications. Our year a new communications building was built. It included 10 transmitters and 13 receivers along with a large ventilating system to keep all this gear cool. We only had two radiomen, however, with one always on call, so we couldn’t begin to run that much gear. Also, we didn’t have enough generating power on the station to run it all at once anyway. The end result was the building needed an 80,000 BTU furnace instead of the ventilating system! We did have a teletype receiver and could get news promptly. We had good communications nearly everywhere on Earth.

Pictures from Philip K Swartz, overwinter, South Pole, 60-61