First D8 arrives
Philip K Swartz - 1960-61 - South Pole Station - Antarcticans Database Project more

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First D8 arrives

The summer of 60-61 saw two overland parties arrive at the Pole: Bert Crary leading a scientific team for USARP coming from McMurdo (13 FEB 1961). And one lead by Maj. Havola, US Army. These pictures are the arrival of Maj. Havola bringing two D8 tractors from Byrd Station. (11 JAN 1961) (Originally brought by ship to Little America, and later overland to Byrd.) The D8’s had a 54 inch wide tread and were too large to fit aboard aircraft. The large nose on one of the D8’s (slide [73]) used engine heat to melt snow to provide water.

Pictures from Philip K Swartz, overwinter, South Pole, 60-61