Prince Leopold Island - Cruising by in Zodiacs

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Prince Leopold Island - Cruising by in Zodiacs

Quite a surreal scene like many similar occasions in the Arctic, you stop and look around and realise where you are. Large pieces of last years pack ice were floating about, honeycombed and rotten from melting which didn't stop one of the boats trying to pull up on it and get the passengers out for a walk about until it showed how rotten it was by splitting in two. Fortunately it was still very large and no-one took a bath, but it served as a reminder as to how unpredictable ice can be especially for the inexperienced.

A bright sky without direct sunshine, but all the reflections from ice and water makes it seem all the brighter.

Air temp: +4ºC Latitude: 74º02'N Longitude: 89º52'W

Photo; © Paul Ward - These are pictures from a cruise to the High Arctic in high summer, from Resolute Bay, Canada to Kangerlussuaq, Greenland.